195 research outputs found

    Siegert pseudostate perturbation theory: one- and two-threshold cases

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    Perturbation theory for the Siegert pseudostates (SPS) [Phys.Rev.A 58, 2077 (1998) and Phys.Rev.A 67, 032714 (2003)] is studied for the case of two energetically separated thresholds. The perturbation formulas for the one-threshold case are derived as a limiting case whereby we reconstruct More's theory for the decaying states [Phys.Rev.A 3,1217(1971)] and amend an error. The perturbation formulas for the two-threshold case have additional terms due to the non-standard orthogonality relationship of the Siegert Pseudostates. We apply the theory to a 2-channel model problem, and find the rate of convergence of the perturbation expansion should be examined with the aide of the variance D=∣∣E−∑nλnE(n)∣∣D= ||E-\sum_{n}\lambda^n E^{(n)}|| instead of the real and imaginary parts of the perturbation energy individually

    PrimerStation: a highly specific multiplex genomic PCR primer design server for the human genome

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    PrimerStation () is a web service that calculates primer sets guaranteeing high specificity against the entire human genome. To achieve high accuracy, we used the hybridization ratio of primers in liquid solution. Calculating the status of sequence hybridization in terms of the stringent hybridization ratio is computationally costly, and no web service checks the entire human genome and returns a highly specific primer set calculated using a precise physicochemical model. To shorten the response time, we precomputed candidates for specific primers using a massively parallel computer with 100 CPUs (SunFire 15 K) about 3 months in advance. This enables PrimerStation to search and output qualified primers interactively. PrimerStation can select highly specific primers suitable for multiplex PCR by seeking a wider temperature range that minimizes the possibility of cross-reaction. It also allows users to add heuristic rules to the primer design, e.g. the exclusion of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in primers, the avoidance of poly(A) and CA-repeats in the PCR products, and the elimination of defective primers using the secondary structure prediction. We performed several tests to verify the PCR amplification of randomly selected primers for ChrX, and we confirmed that the primers amplify specific PCR products perfectly

    Mining Optimized Association Rules for Numeric Attributes

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    AbstractGiven a huge database, we address the problem of finding association rules for numeric attributes, such as(Balance∈I)⇒(CardLoan=yes),which implies that bank customers whose balances fall in a rangeIare likely to use card loan with a probability greater thanp. The above rule is interesting only if the rangeIhas some special feature with respect to the interrelation betweenBalanceandCardLoan. It is required that the number of customers whose balances are contained inI(called thesupportofI) is sufficient and also that the probabilitypof the conditionCardLoan=yesbeing met (called theconfidence ratio) be much higher than the average probability of the condition over all the data. Our goal is to realize a system that finds such appropriate ranges automatically. We mainly focus on computing twooptimized ranges: one that maximizes the support on the condition that the confidence ratio is at least a given threshold value, and another that maximizes the confidence ratio on the condition that the support is at least a given threshold number. Using techniques from computational geometry, we present novel algorithms that compute the optimized ranges in linear time if the data are sorted. Since sorting data with respect to each numeric attribute is expensive in the case of huge databases that occupy much more space than the main memory, we instead apply randomized bucketing as the preprocessing method and thus obtain an efficient rule-finding system. Tests show that our implementation is fast not only in theory but also in practice. The efficiency of our algorithm enables us to compute optimized rules for all combinations of hundreds of numeric and Boolean attributes in a reasonable time

    Dynamical stabilization of matter-wave solitons revisited

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    We consider dynamical stabilization of Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) by time-dependent modulation of the scattering length. The problem has been studied before by several methods: Gaussian variational approximation, the method of moments, method of modulated Townes soliton, and the direct averaging of the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. We summarize these methods and find that the numerically obtained stabilized solution has different configuration than that assumed by the theoretical methods (in particular a phase of the wavefunction is not quadratic with rr). We show that there is presently no clear evidence for stabilization in a strict sense, because in the numerical experiments only metastable (slowly decaying) solutions have been obtained. In other words, neither numerical nor mathematical evidence for a new kind of soliton solutions have been revealed so far. The existence of the metastable solutions is nevertheless an interesting and complicated phenomenon on its own. We try some non-Gaussian variational trial functions to obtain better predictions for the critical nonlinearity gcrg_{cr} for metastabilization but other dynamical properties of the solutions remain difficult to predict

    Retrieving Photorecombination Cross Sections of Atoms from High-Order Harmonic Spectra

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    We observe high-order harmonic spectra generated from a thin atomic medium, Ar, Kr, and Xe, by intense 800-nm and 1300-nm femtosecond pulses. A clear signature of a single-atom response is observed in the harmonic spectra. Especially in the case of Ar, a Cooper minimum, reflecting the electronic structure of the atom, is observed in the harmonic spectra. We successfully extract the photorecombination cross sections of the atoms in the field-free condition with the help of an accurate recolliding electron wave packet. The present protocol paves the way for exploring ultrafast imaging of molecular dynamics with attosecond resolution

    Década de la Energía Sostenible para Todos

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    Naciones Unidas, tras la proclamación de 2012 como "Año Internacional de la Energía Sostenible para todos", refuerza ahora su ambicioso pero fundamentado proyecto de revolución energética, instituyendo una Década (2014-2024) destinada a la puesta en marcha de las medidas necesarias para que la totalidad de los seres humanos pueda disponer de recursos energéticos renovables y no contaminantes. Se pretende así contribuir a erradicar la pobreza y a atajar el destructivo desarreglo climático que ya estamos empezando a sufrir

    Data mining tools for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphological database

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    For comprehensive understanding of precise morphological changes resulting from loss-of-function mutagenesis, a large collection of 1 899 247 cell images was assembled from 91 271 micrographs of 4782 budding yeast disruptants of non-lethal genes. All the cell images were processed computationally to measure ∼500 morphological parameters in individual mutants. We have recently made this morphological quantitative data available to the public through the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Morphological Database (SCMD). Inspecting the significance of morphological discrepancies between the wild type and the mutants is expected to provide clues to uncover genes that are relevant to the biological processes producing a particular morphology. To facilitate such intensive data mining, a suite of new software tools for visualizing parameter value distributions was developed to present mutants with significant changes in easily understandable forms. In addition, for a given group of mutants associated with a particular function, the system automatically identifies a combination of multiple morphological parameters that discriminates a mutant group from others significantly, thereby characterizing the function effectively. These data mining functions are available through the World Wide Web at

    Accurate Retrieval of Atomic Structures from High-Order Harmonic Spectra

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    We extracted the photorecombination cross sections from the high-order harmonic spectra generated from rare gases by intense femtosecond pulses. By taking the ratio between the observed high-order harmonic spectra and recolliding electron wave packets, we successfully obtained the photorecombination cross sections
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